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Have You Heard This? is an ongoing (and sometimes very informal) conversation about musical aesthetics between two friends who happen to be composers:

Joshua Shank, who, according to his co-host, writes “diatonic…schmaltzy…mehhh…

Jon Fielder, who, according to his co-host, writes “angular, dissonant, kerplunkety bullshit.”

With a large helping of their shared sense of humor, Josh and Jon have been peacefully staring at each other from very opposite sides of the aesthetic spectrum for nearly a decade, and have often wondered why other composers they’ve met in their journeys sometimes can’t do the same.  They’ve been talking about doing something like this since their years together in graduate school, and the quarantine of 2020-2021 seemed like a good time to start a new creative journey together which might yield something productive for more than just the two of them; this podcast is the result.

Josh and Jon invite listeners to join them in talking about classical music they may or may not like in a way they may or may not have talked about it before.

It’s a podcast about classical music…

…and not being a dick about it.

Have you heard this?